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out of character

to travel through time
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[27 Jan 2013|11:45pm]

Soooo... I know I haven't been around lately, but I don't think anyone else has either. I really liked this premise, and I wanted to know if everyone was still up to either continuing or restarting?

I'm up for keeping Jo and Rose in here. Maybe even get a blast group going for plot purposes?

I hope it's not a lost cause, I was really excited about this game.

[14 Dec 2012|09:40am]

Hello, fine folks! I'm Alice, I'm new, and I bring you an ooooold and ridiculous vampire!

This is Rebekah, from the Vampire Diaries, one of the original family of vampires from her canon; she's got a whole list of ~vampire powers, some of which are amplified by her Original status, and which I'll probably detail in depth this afternoon on her journal, for anyone who isn't familiar with her canon. She's--like a lot of TVD characters--a villain of rapidly fluctuating sympatheticness. Some days she's crying because she didn't get to go to Homecoming, some days she's trying to kill the main characters. She comes from during her most recent appearance on the show, Season 4: "The Five", right before Klaus daggers her (..... again.)

Right now, the best way to reach me is my contact post, or email/gchat (solikearose@gmail.com); I'm usually on AIM a lot, but my computer just finally gave up the ghost and died, and I'm living off a tablet that hates running AIM properly >.> I'm in EST, typically available evenings, weekends, and sometimes at lunch, and I love threads, so hit me up!

ETA: computer problems solved! catch me also on aim at ay ay ay alicia.

icon not related. i just never get to use it. lol [12 Dec 2012|11:02am]

Hey guys, I owe ALL THE TAGS. Finally going home tonight and homework isn't due until tomorrow night. I'm gonna get to everyone tonight as Rose AND Jo. I love you guys!!

-Sarah, Rose, & Jo

[10 Dec 2012|11:48pm]

Hey there, hi there, ho there, neighborinos!

I'm Matt! I'm brand new to this game, as you likely know since you've never seen me before here. And I bring but one pup for you lot, though one of my favorites.

This is The Doctor! ... Too... since we already have one. Oh my, this should fuck with that whole time wimey babble you'll hear from both of them; although, if Ten feels the need to apologize for his babbling then by all means, go ahead and take a number that'll come from Eleven's.

That's right, you guessed it, he is the Eleventh incarnation. For those not familiar with the DW fandom (Which is so wrong by the way), Eleven like all the Doctors is a bit eccentric in his own right. Yet he goes to a bit of an extreme at times; he thinks faster than he talks, and yet talks fast enough to keep up with his thinking--meaning he's spitting out stuff that really doesn't always make sense to you, but will eventually turn out to be right. He's a bit wiry, and flaily. He's also got a bit of a darker side that, when shown, is a bit... well he needs anger management classes. Though to get to this you have to try to piss him off, otherwise he's generally incredibly friendly and always a bit curious. And by friendly, he thinks he's really nice, but can be a bit rude.

He's not nearly as, let's say, daring as Ten--he never broke through a mirror riding in on a white horse before. Although he does give brilliant speeches! Eleven has a Sherlock Holmesy quality to him; when he enters a room, he'll almost immediately notice each and every single thing of importance and have it stored in memory. He also tends to have this weird Batman sense, or did up until the most recent season, where he uses his legend and status to get his way against his enemies--instilling fear. Which is why, starting this most recent season, he's gone a bit on the hidden side. Trying to reel himself back in.

Still, stranded outside of the Time Vortex without a TARDIS? You can bet your sweet bippy he'll be more than excited, and a bit more excitable than usual. He already misses his sexy!

Anyway, I hope to play with you lot! My AIM is: Trampled Webs, e-mail: trampledwebs@aol.com

[06 Dec 2012|12:54am]

Hi everyone! I'm Sarah, and I'm bringing in the two blonde bad asses~

Rose Tyler and Jo Harvelle (barmaidhunter)!

Rose is pulled from right before Journey's End, and Jo is pulled right before she is attacked by the hellhound.

I've met a few of you, rp-ed with some, and I look forward to making this game work!

Much love~
Sarah, Rose, and Jo

[05 Dec 2012|04:48pm]

Hi everybody! (HI DOCTOR NICK!)I'm Michelle and I bring you the gift of two pups!

The first is The Master (This guy right here)He's from Doctor Who, more importantly the S4 special 'the end of time part 2'. For those don't actually know DW that well, here's a cliff notes version. He's a time lord (aka ALIEN)not to mention batshit crazy. He might be a bit confused at first, considering before he arrived he sacrificed his own regeneration's to save the Doctor, and fully expected to end up dead or in a time locked Gallifrey.

Secondly is one of my favorite pups: Wade Wilson([info]loudmouthedmerc)! Wade is about...nearly all the marbles in the world short of sane (I know, I seem to have a penchant for playing the insane boys gah) He's coming in from the ending of Wolverine: Origins. Though for the sake of my sanity he healed himself back from being Baraka!Wade.A few things you should also know about Wade? He talks. Alot, he'll most likely give random nicknames to ALL your pups, whether they like it or not, and he can be a bit stab happy. Did I also mention he's crazy as all hell? Cause he is. Lastly, he also makes most of his money working as a merc for hire, just in case anyone has any crazzzzy ideas and what not.

Anyhoo, I think that's it. If you want to know more or just want to go for a ride my shiny plotmobile, feel free to hunt me down on AIM. withabrokenwings is where you can find me, i'm usually on after work (4:30/5;00 my time)though all IM's go to my phone during the day.

[03 Dec 2012|05:55am]


Hi everyone, I’m Nina and I have Dean Winchester here. Dean’s from the beginning of Season 4 but I’m right upto date on the show, so no need to worry about spoiling things.

I’m up for all kinds of plots and ideas for Dean so if anyone would like to thread with him, just let me know.

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